Nokia Camera 98.14.53905.20 (arm64) (Android 11.0+)
By HMD Global
- Minor bug fix.
- Follow Google Play Policy to remove background location permission at this version.
- Follow Google Play Policy to remove background location permission at this version.
Easy to use camera interface allows you to focus on the moment.
• Switch between key camera modes i.e. Photo, Video, Portrait, Slow motion, Time-lapse, Panorama modes with one touch.
• Fully integrated Google Lens answers questions about the world around you in real time like overlaying information about objects right in the viewfinder or you are able to copy-paste text from the real world to your phone.
• Google Motion lets you capture exciting short videos and transforms them into beautiful cinemographs.
HMD Global Oy is the exclusive licensee of the Nokia brand for phones & tablets. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Android, Google and other marks are trademarks of Google LLC. Oreo is a trademark of Mondelez International, Inc. group.
• Switch between key camera modes i.e. Photo, Video, Portrait, Slow motion, Time-lapse, Panorama modes with one touch.
• Fully integrated Google Lens answers questions about the world around you in real time like overlaying information about objects right in the viewfinder or you are able to copy-paste text from the real world to your phone.
• Google Motion lets you capture exciting short videos and transforms them into beautiful cinemographs.
HMD Global Oy is the exclusive licensee of the Nokia brand for phones & tablets. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Android, Google and other marks are trademarks of Google LLC. Oreo is a trademark of Mondelez International, Inc. group.
98.14.53905.20 (145390520)
Screen Density:
CPU Architecture:
October 1, 2024 at 3:01 pm UTC
File Size: 472.65 MB (495608664 bytes)
Android 11+ (Red Velvet Cake - API 30)
Android 14 (Upside Down Cake - API 34)
Downloads: 150